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Child Dental Care

Best Child Dentist in Shyamal

Child Dental Care And Ortho

  1. We offer a full array of pediatric dental care and children’s dental care services from treatment under general anesthesia, conscious sedation, preventive dentistry and as well as orthodontics.
  2. Milk teeth are as important as the permanent ones because healthy milk teeth are crucial in helping the baby learn how to speak properly, in proper feeding and nutrition. They serve as space maintainers for the proper spacing and alignment of the permanent teeth and healthy looking teeth are important in building self-confidence at an early age.
  3. It is generally recommended that a child be seen by a dentist by the age of 1 or within 6 months after his or her first tooth comes in.

Child Dental Care Benefits and Tips

  • Lead by example.
  • Choose a dentist that you and your family will like and trust.
  • Take them to the dentist regularly.
  • Remind them to brush.
  • Encourage them to brush at school.
  • Teach the importance of flossing.
  • Make sure your child eats breakfast every day.
  • If they’re going to drink soda, have them use a straw.
  • Reduce sugar in their diets.
  • Reward healthy habits.


Your children’s dental/oral health is very important, so meet our pediatric dentist near satellite, ahmedabad, for good dental care and treatment for kids.

From Primary Dental Care to Highly Skilled Dental Treatments, We are happy to serve you.

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